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Live 1 on 1 zoom session. I listen to your story and take a detailed history, and perform an extensive movement assessment. Together we create an individualized treatment plan aimed at achieving YOUR goals. EVERYONE is capable and deserving of possessing the necessary tools to effectively manage their pain and perform at the highest level. We educate you on what to do, guide you through the process of how to do it, and empower you so that you want to do it!

Convenience and Accessibility

Access to Specialized Care

Flexibility in Scheduling

Privacy and Comfort

Continuity of Care

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Far too often, clients come in feeling hopeless and defeated. Unfortunately, they often describe inadequate and/or incomplete care from previous providers. "Physical Therapy'' isn't something done to you or for you. Quality Physical Therapy extends far beyond generic advice and cookie cutter exercise handout. You are a unique individual and thus have unique needs. Physical Therapy embraces the desire for positive change. Change based YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. It's the process of learning and obtaining tools that allow YOU to DO the things YOU DESIRE.

Hands-On Assessment and Intervention

Supervision and Motivation

Immediate Feedback and Corrections

Hands-On Manual Therapy Techniques

Use of Specialized Equipment

Customized Treatment Plans

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Training is rehab and rehab is (modified) training. Whatever the goal a thoughtful, educated, modifiable process is required. Custom monthly programming ensures that your process is best designed to match your goals. Too often people perform random workouts and therefore see random results. Rise Sports PT and Performance is built upon bridging this gap and truly serving the individual needs of every client.

Convenience and Accessibility

Continuity of Care

Flexibility in Scheduling

Digital Progress Tracking

Personalized Treatment Plans

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